am 27.03.2023 23:35
I have a cable connection.
I have a wise account, I have given consent for adding it for direct debit billing for my internet connection billing. Unfortunately one of the bill I paid cancelled by myself . When checked with store, it was told to pay it again with the reference . I paid it from different bank account. But I am not sure if it is processed proprly or not and also the next month bill was not as per expcted and it is more than expcted. Also they have given me a document to acivate the direct billing again and I have mailed it to vodafone.
Still the vodafone account is in my Direct debit accounts list in my bank account. But direct debit is not happening.
Contacted the store again and it is not useful(Told to sent the sepa again), I tried to sent mail to vodafone and it is not delivred to
Is there any direct contct in which I can get some clarification in English?
Or anybody can support me here?
am 28.03.2023 09:32
There is no individual support available in this customer-to-customer forum. For english support, use the social media channels listed here:
The local stores are usually run not by Vodafone but by 3rd parties that operate independently. They are not part of the support system.
am 28.03.2023 17:50
Thank you for the suggestions. Is there anyway to contact cutomer support via email ?
am 28.03.2023 17:51
No, sadly not.