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Mein Vertrag wurde ohne mein Wissen verlängert - My contract extended without my knowledge

Ich benutze die Vodafone-Kabel-Verbindung seit 2018, ich habe einen Zweijahresvertrag und es endet im Oktober 2020. Ich bin gerade von Eggenfelden, Bayern (alte Adresse) nach Berlin umgezogen. Bevor ich umziehen wollte, habe ich den Vodafone-Kundendienst angerufen, den ich aufgeben möchte, weil Ich verlege mein Zuhause nach Berlin. Aber was passiert ist, ist meine Verbindung verschoben und der Vertrag wurde auf ein Jahr verlängert. Ich möchte die Verbindung nicht verlängern. für ein weiteres Jahr, weil es an dem Ort, an dem ich mich aufhalte, eine andere Verbindung gibt (Berlin), die ich nutzen kann, da ich Student bin und in einer WG lebe. Ich habe dies bereits bei einem Anruf bei der Ende Mai, aber ohne ordnungsgemäße Information an mich wird der Vertrag bis 13.10.2021. Ich will das nicht, ich habe kein Geld, ich bemühe mich sehr darum, besonders in dieser Pandemie, bitte haben Sie Verständnis. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie mich, ich bin Student und kann nicht einfach bezahlen, ohne es zu benutzen. Bitte die Verlängerung widerrufen und ich möchte den Vertrag kündigen. Bitte tun Sie das Nötige und dies ist ein eine sehr freundliche Bitte von mir. Ich kann Ihnen alle weiteren Dokumente zur Verfügung stellen, die Sie wünschen, und Sie können das aufgezeichnete Gespräch in Mai.

Ich freue mich auf eine rasche Lösung, 


I have been using the vodafone kabel connection from 2018, I got two year contract and it ends by Oct, 2020. I have just moved from Eggenfelden, Bavaria (Old address) to Berlin. Before I was about to shift I called Vodafone customer service that I want to QUIT because I am shifting my home to Berlin. But What has happened is my connection has been shifted and the contract has been extended to a year. I don’t want to extend the connection for one year more because there is another connection in the place where I am staying (Berlin) which I can use, as I am a student, I live in a WG. I already told this on a call at the end of May but without any proper information to me the contract is extended till 13.10.2021. I don’t want this, I don’t have money, I strive hard for living expecially in this pandemic, please understand. Please consider me, I am a student and I cannot pay simply without using it. Please revoke the extension and I want to END the contract. Please do the needful and this is a very kind request from me. I can provide any more documents you want and you can see the recorded voice call in May. Looking forward for a speedy resolution, 

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello Hello1,


if you call and announce that you are moving, you cannot cancel, but the move will be processed. From our point of view, everything went fine and we can't fulfill your wish, I'm sorry.




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20 Antworten 20

Have you send a cancellation request in time? If not, your contract automatically extends for another year, if the cancellation request is not received by Vodafone in time, meaning at least 3 months before your contract ends.

So in case your contract would end at October 21st, your cancellation request would've been received by Vodafone the latest at July 21st.


Moving to another location or the fact that there is already a line is NOT a valid reason for prematurely ending the contract. In case the contract can be fulfilled as agreed upon, it'll simply move to the new location, no matter if you'll get another line there.

Even if I move, why should the contrat extend without my knowledge? I should have the authority to extend it, Vodafone cannot take it in hand without my knowledge, and I did not get any prior information regarding the extension.

@Hello11  schrieb:

Even if I move, why should the contrat extend without my knowledge?

Nearly all phone and internet contracts in Germany automatically extend themselves if you do not actively cancel them - that's part of the contract that you agreed upon in the first time. So in case neither you nor Vodafone sends a cancellation request to the other party in time, the contract automatically extends itself as it was agreed initially.


@Hello11  schrieb:

I should have the authority to extend it, Vodafone cannot take it in hand without my knowledge, and I did not get any prior information regarding the extension.

As I said - you AND Vodafone agreed that this contract is automatically extending in case neither of the parties requests the cancellation in time. So it's not Vodafone taking it in hand without your knowledge or prior information, but it's you not requesting the cancellation as contractually agreed upon.


And just to be more precise - most internet and phone contracts (not all, because there are rare contracts that do not extend themselves automatically but end if no action is taken) have infinite runtime and thus require an active cancellation request from one side in order to end. This 24 months that you refer to is the initial contractual term that both, Vodafone and you are bound to the contract. So this is the first time that you and Vodafone would be able to end the (infinite running) contract if the cancellation request receives the other party in time (meaning 3 months prior to the end of this term).

In case no cancellation request by one party is received by the other party in time, the contractual term extends for another 12 months starting at the end if the initial term - and in case there is also no request after this 12 months minus 3 months notice period, the contract will extend for another 12 months and so on...


So it's not Vodafone deciding over the extension but you opting for it by not requesting a cancellation in time. Because both, Vodafone and you agreed upon this infinite contract with active request of cancellation.


And just to get it right:

A move does NOT change anything at your contract - neither the agreed upon speeds nor the contractual terms.


Hallo Hello11,


reneromann has already explained it to you. Our contracts are generally extended automatically. Unless you cancelled your contract. Had you already cancelled it in writing before you moved?


Best regards


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If you have read my first post already, 


I have already called the vodofone customer care by the end of May when i was about to move to Berlin, and asked them to cancel the contract not knowing that it cannot be cancelled in my broken German that Ich möchte Kündigen wegen umzug and he said He will do it but he could have instructed me about all this but what he did is he has shifted the contract and extended it, Its all without my knowledge atleast if the old contract is on it ends by october and i can pay till then and end the contract but now the new contract is until next october that is Oct, 2021. This is ridiculous guys! I want a solution to this, I don't think its my fault anywhere, atleast in the phone call they must have told that i should inform them in writing but they took my request of cancellation as shifting of connection through the call.


After few days after the call the online mein vodafone account was closed and i thought the connection is closed but then i get the bills saying its umzug and consecutive bills again! with all new customer number and contract numbers which i did not opt for.


Hope you understand my plea!

@Hello11  schrieb:

If you have read my first post already, 


I have already called the vodofone customer care by the end of May when i was about to move to Berlin, and asked them to cancel the contract not knowing that it cannot be cancelled in my broken German that Ich möchte Kündigen wegen umzug and he said He will do it but he could have instructed me about all this but what he did is he has shifted the contract and extended it, Its all without my knowledge atleast if the old contract is on it ends by october and i can pay till then and end the contract but now the new contract is until next october that is Oct, 2021. This is ridiculous guys! I want a solution to this, I don't think its my fault anywhere, atleast in the phone call they must have told that i should inform them in writing but they took my request of cancellation as shifting of connection through the call.

Please don't mix up the cancellation and the move!


The problem is that a move -in accordance to §46 ( 8 ) TKG (telecommunications law)- is ONLY a valid reason for a (premature) cancellation, if the contracutal agreed services CANNOT be fullfilled at the new address, mostly because the used technology or speed is not available. But in case the contract can be fullfilled at the new address, the contract will move to the new address -in accordance with the aforementioned law- and the rest of it stays in place like it would without the move, meaning that neither prices nor speeds nor the contractual terms and thus the cancellation notice periods won't change.


So your request "Ich möchte Kündigen wegen umzug" would have been only a valid request in case the contractual agreed services cannot be granted at the new address. In any other case, this request is void as a move is -in accordance to the German civil code and rulings from German high court- not a valid reason for a (premature) cancellation.


Instead of that, you would have needed to send a written cancellation notice for the end of the contractual term with something like "Hiermit kündige ich den Vertrag zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt" [Hereby I request to cancel the contract to the next possible date] - meaning that your cancellation request would have been valid for October 21st 2020, no matter if you moved or not. But this request has to be made in written form (no matter if you use a traditional letter offline or the online contract form) and would have been needed to be received by Vodafone at least on July 21st as requested in your contract - a spoken cancellation request is not valid.


In case you have not sent such a cancellation notice to the next possible date, which would have needed to be received by Vodafone at least 3 months before October 21st, meaning July 21st, then it's now too late. There's no possibility to cancel the contract right now for October 21st 2020 in a regular manner as your cancellation request would be too late for ending the contract this year - no matter if you moved or not. You can right now only request a cancellation for October 21st 2021...

I will mix it up because that was my request and not yours, do you understand? If it was wrong there should have been a proper guidance by the customer care executive at that point of time when I called, If he did not understand me, he should have transferred the call to somebody else but he agreead that he understands me and he will do what I ask for but all he did was for the benefit of Vodafone. Why did the customer care executive advice me this what you are saying? I told him very much clearly whatever I have told here, He told me that he will do it but what he did was not what he said.


So it is all a gameplay by Vodafone Deutschland to suck money out of me? Why were you or Vodafone tell me all this elaborately before when I called you guys? Why is the education on this so late just to suck money out of the people who doesn't know the laws of Vodafone? 


A very nice explanation by you in everyway to reject what i did as 'invalid' and making the law right as for the Vodafone perfect! A customer care should be voluntary enough to advice the users of what to be done next according to the customers request rather than doing for the benefit of the company to suck money out of people who have come from another country to get education here..! 


Hope you guys stop pointing out the mistake and educate your customers before the mistake happens! If a proper guidance would have been there, this problem would not have happened, My request was different and what has happened is different and it is undeniable. Work for the customers rather for yourself! Scam everywhere and Vodafone too is one among it! 


Accept your mistake Vodafone, let this not happen to anybody! Your customer care *piep*!

Pity on you Vodafone! And Mr. @reneromann! Good that you're there for Vodafone! 

@Hello11  schrieb:

So it is all a gameplay by Vodafone deutschland to suck money out of me? Why were you or Vodafone tell me all this elaborately before when I called you guys? Why is the education on this so late just to suck money out of the people who doesn't know the laws of Vodafone? 

This has nothing to do with Vodafone or Vodafone law. These are simple rules by the German Civil Code!

Your contract contains regulations about how and when to cancel as well as what happens if you do not (e.g. auto-extension) - these rules are part of the "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" (AGB) that are valid for all contracts that everyone signs with Vodafone, obviously as we're in Germany and German is sole contractual language, they're only available in German. But I know for sure that this document is handed over to each client - it would have been up to you to get a translation if necessary for you to understand all the details in the contract.


@Hello11  schrieb:

Why did the customer care executive advice me this what you are saying? I told him very much clearly whatever I have told here, He told me that he will do it but what he did was not what he said.

There are even enough German native speakers that don't understand that a move is not a valid reason for a premature cancellation - let alone non-native speakers. Thus the hotline will to exactly what they're supposed to do - if you report a move, they'll enter your new address into the customer database. The system will then check whether the contractually agreed services can be fullfilled at the new address or not - in case they can, it'll do all the necessary steps for the move, e.g. giving you new phone numbers in case you change the town, checking if you need a technician to set up the line or if you can do it on your own and so on. In case the contractually agreed services cannot be fullfilled, the system will also automatically set a cancellation note for your move in accordance to the Telecommunications law, meaning 3 months from your movement date -or- 3 months from the date of movement report, where only the later of the two dates matters.


@Hello11  schrieb:

A very nice explanation by you to everyway reject what i did as invalid and making the law right as for the Vodafone perfect!

The problem is that what you requested was not what you intended. You asked -maybe because of the lack of German language- only for a conditional cancellation because of a move - so the customer care will only check if the conditions for such a request are valid or not (e.g. if the contractually agreed services can be granted at the new address or not) - they'll not check whether an unconditional cancellation request (that is what you intended) is possible or not, which they -by the contract- even wouldn't be able to receive at all.


@Hello11  schrieb:

A customer care should be voluntary enough to advice the users of what to be done next according to the customers request rather than doing for the benefit of the company to suck money out of people who have come from another country to get education here..! 

No, that's not the point of a customer care - customer care is not a wellfare institution!

It is YOUR obligation to make sure that you understand what you do here and especially what contracts you sign - in case you are unsure, it'd be up to you to get a translator or other help that clarifies the contents of the contracts that you sign.

It's the same for any courses that you take in University - if you don't understand what is taught, it's only on your sole obligation to ask and learn and in case you don't pass exams because you didn't understand all the details, it's not the University, the professors or the teaching staff, but solely you!


And even if this may sound rude - that's from my personal experience from many students abroad as well as from my personal experience in taking part in international conferences.


@Hello11  schrieb:

Hope you guys stop pointing out the mistake and educate your customers before the mistake happens! If a proper guidance would have been there, this problem would not have happened, My request was different and what has happened is different and it is undeniable.

No, your request was "Ich möchte Kündigen wegen umzug" - which has not been granted as the conditions for this request were not met after they have been checked. Whom should know that you don't want a conditional cancellation but an unconditional one, if you don't express it?


By the way: The (of course German) help points out the conditions for such a (premature) cancellation in case of a move - but as I said, there are enough German native speakers that also don't understand that a move is not a valid reason for cancellation and are shocked if the contract is not ended.


And just to be more precise: This would have also happened with other ISPs and not only with Vodafone.

I came to learn here in English for your kind information, which I do understand!


Every move has to properly be informed to the customer before and after, because it all conditional and  upto Vodafone which totally lacks here. The customer comes to know only through the bills. I called up and informed so should be vice verse!


Vodafone and its customer care should act to be a welfare organisation for the information means, its the right to know of every human being apart from reading and signing the contracts. 


Anyhow, I don't want to grow the conversation here just to know your defence perspective for Vodafone. Much thanks in spending time and for the information. I would definitely be careful the next time.