WLAN is not connecting to few devices

Hello Together,

My name is Channa, I have vodafone connection at my home and Tariff plan is red internet and phone 250.

Wifi works well and there is no problem with router.


2 weeks back  I have changed Tariff plan.

Problem Description:

I have 4 devices to be connected, but only 2 devices are getting connected. Other 2 devices are not connecting to internet.

i am using this connection for 2 years now, there was no such problem seen with any of the device.

But suddenly from 2 weeks, 2 devices (one samsung phone and one HP laptop) are not connecting to wifi.

I tried restarting the router and also devices but nothing helped.


But both mobile and laptop connects to other wifi but not for home vodafone, its very strange.


Is it a problem with new tariff change?

Could someone help me on this.


Thank you so much



4 Antworten 4

Hello Channa,


what is your postal code and which router do you use? Can those two devices connect neither to the 2.4 GHz WiFi nor the 5 GHz WiFi? Do you get an error message? What are the other two devices that have no problem with the WiFi?


Kind regards


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Hello claudia,


My postal code is 81549 and roter name is Vodafone-369C CGA4233DE 

Devices which are not connecting -> persnol HP laptop and samsumg Phone, these are not connecting Vodafone Wifi. But it connects other wifi (My another phone hotspot).

Last 2 years i have not seen this with same vodafone wifi only after changing plan i am seeing this issue.

Error Msg: Can't connect to this Network

Devices which are connecting without problem - > office HP Laptop and One plus phone.


Thank you,




Hello Channa,


that's strange. Did you do a factory reset with the router? If that doesn't help we can try and reset the WiFi settings. Send a private message that contains your customer number, the full address, name and birth date of the contractual partner. Please leave a short reply in this thread afterwards.


Kind regards,


Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes!

Hey there,

I had a similar problem with my Vodafone router. Some devices weren't able to connect. However they were able to connect with other networks like my personal hotspot. So the problem had to to be an issue with my router. I tried several things and for me switching the WIFI password worked. Just try a password just with letters and number and without special characters like (?!-/:. etc.).

Kind regards

Tim Saßmannshausen