am 20.01.2022 10:32 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 20.01.2022 12:24 von Stephan
Hello all,
1. I see my current DSL contract expires on 21.04.2022 . I would like to know if the same tarriff of 29.99 will continue or will i be charged 39.99 ? In the contract its mentioned as that my contract will extend automatically by 12 months if i dont cancel, so if its extended will i have the same tariff or increased ? This is not mentioned anywhere.
2. Also i have gigakombi which helps in discouted prices for my Handy tarriff, if i cancel the contract for Handy will that affect anything on DSL tariff ?
Could you please help me out here ?
EDIT: @ssahoo board edited
am 20.01.2022 10:56
@ssahoo schrieb:
1. I see my current DSL contract expires on 21.04.2022 . I would like to know if the same tarriff of 29.99 will continue or will i be charged 39.99 ? In the contract its mentioned as that my contract will extend automatically by 12 months if i dont cancel, so if its extended will i have the same tariff or increased ? This is not mentioned anywhere.
This should be mentioned in your contract details - if you get any kind of discount (except the GigaKombi one), they might be limited to 24 months. In that case the discount will run out and you will have to pay the price according to the price list.
@ssahoo schrieb:
2. Also i have gigakombi which helps in discouted prices for my Handy tarriff, if i cancel the contract for Handy will that affect anything on DSL tariff ?
Yes, it will - at least the "Mobile & Euro-Flat" will disappear from your DSL contract - meaning that you from that point on have to pay for any calls from your landline to mobile numbers and/or to EU numbers that are part of that "Mobile & Euro Flat" right now (as part of the GigaKombi discount).
am 20.01.2022 11:04
Hello @reneromann ,
Thanks for the explanation, i did check my contract now and it simply says that my contract will extend by 12 months if i dont cancel within the cancellation period. There is nothing mentioned about the tariff, so i am confused if the same tariff continues !
The second point is clear now, never used landline so this is fine.
am 20.01.2022 18:01
Hey ssahoo,
I've already answered you via private message.
The current discount on the dsl contract will expire in April.
The Gigakombi benefits once the mobilecontract has ended.