Internet disconnects, outages and if working poor performance

Hello Vodafone,


I have now been living in germany for few months and I at the start the Cable Internet service from you guys worked fine.


Last month and a half I have experiencing lot of issues and seems noone in the phone service can help in English. I have had constant internet total outages. These outages usually last for few minutes, but sometimes the internet has been out over 30minutes and these outages are very common almost daily. Other problem is the constant disconnects. It does not matter if I am just working from home or gaming, I get disconnects to Zoom meetings, Internet Streams and Games multiple times a day.


Also seems that the modem I have rented out from you is not working that well either. Some times it just shows a red ligth and refuses to connect to the internet. I need to un-plug the power cable and plug it back in again to get it working. This too happens almost daily. Many mornings when I have come into the living room I see the box with the red ligth and need to un-plug the power cord to get the internet working.


I have done today some speed test and they so very bad performance against what is promised in the contract. In the tests the Download has been really half of what is promised, but more worryingly the upload is just a fraction of what it should be. The problems with the upload also show in Vodafone's own speedtest.

Vodafone: 5fvp972ntc3r


  • What contract do you have? Red Internet & Phone 200 Cable.
  • Which modem / router do you use? FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable, provided by Vodafone.
  • Do you use a rental device from us or do you have your own device Rental device.
  • Which error occurs? Complete Outages Daily, Disconnects Multiple times a day, poor performance since around 1,5months ago.
  • How is your terminal with the modem connected ? My main computer is with cable and laptop & mobile phone with WLAN. The outages and the problems with the connectivity and performance are not related to how the end devices are connected to the modem as every device is affected by the outages and poor performance.
  • Which browser do you normally use? Crome or Firefox, but browser choice does not matter with the problems I am having.
  • What operating system do you have on your computer? Windows 10
  • Start and period of the disruption: Since around 1,5 months ago. I would guess I first noticed really the problems at the start of April.
  • Upload a screenshot of the signal values: Not sure about what site are these, attached some pics from the FRTIZ!Box management console.
  • What measures have been taken by the fault hotline (available at 0800-5266625)? Tried calling the technical service, customer service and e-mailed you guys, but noone seems to talk any english and they said only place I can get help is here.
  • In which state do you live? Bavaria, Munich to be more precise.


Please find some fix for this as soon as possible. I having great deal of difficulty in performing my job and also letting my friends down when in the middle of gaming my internet connectiong breaks down.




1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello VilleH,

the technician is assigned. The colleague comes on Wednesday 17.06.2020 from 08 - 11 o'clock. Please clarify the access with the caretaker.

Kind regards


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Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen

10 Antworten 10

Hello VilleH,


I'd be happy to take a look at the line. Please send me a PN with your customer data (name, address, customer number and date of birth).


Then please contact me again here when you have sent me the data.


Best regards



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Sent the customer information via personal message.


- Ville T


Hello VilleH,


will you send me another PN with your mobile number?


The fault can only be repaired by a technician on site.


Can you ensure access to the house system?


Best regards, Martin

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Hi Martin,


Sent the phone number via PN.


Not sure what you mean by House System. I am living in a rented apartment and I have access to the apartment and like the technical panels inside the apartment. Anything outside the apartment I probably have no access like if you need access to some central place in the building where all the connections start from.


Hi VilleH,


In the house there may be a switchboard, usually in the basement, which the technician may need to access.


Can you find out from your landlord or caretaker where it is located and have it unlocked to the room?


This is necessary so that the technician can fix your connection.


Best regards, Martin

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I would need to know when the technician needs this house box to be opened?


Sent you the details of the Hausmeister so the technician can arrange the date and time with him and me.


Hello VilleH,


the technicians will first make an appointment with you and then you can inform your caretaker so that access to the facility is guaranteed. Is that okay with you? Otherwise we can also make an appointment. The time slots are 8-11, 11-14, 14-17 and 17-20.


Best regards Fred

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Time slot 8-11 works fine most days (except mondays).

I am not sure how well the hausmeister will speak english, either I can try to make appointment with him or you what ever is best for you.