Cable connection lost every day at 21:15


I hope anybody in the forum can help me. I have tried to call the hotline but I never managed to talk to a human. I also wrote to the vodafone whatsapp number, but I got no answer.


My contract is "Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable". I want to report that I have frequent disconnections during the day. I have the original modem device from Vodafone, and I connect over ethernet (no WiFi). What happens is that, at some point, internet does not work anymore, and the modem reboots. Last Sunday this happened 5 times during the day. In general, I also noticed that it happens almost everyday at approximately 21:15 in the night.

Everytime I have to wait for the modem to reconnect again (it takes more than 5 minutes), and try again. Some times internet still does not work after this automatic reboot, so I have to reboot the modem again.


Can you please help me to solve this issue?

Thank you




5 Antworten 5
Community Team
Community Team

Hallo davideddt,


kannst Du mir bitte Deine Kundennummer, Anschrift und Dein Geburtsdatum per Privatnachricht zuschicken. Ich schaue mir Deinen Anschluss gern an.


Schreibe mir hier kurz, wenn die Daten verschickt wurden.


Gruß Fred

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Hi Fred,

I just sent you a private message.


Community Team
Community Team

Hello davideddt,


do you disconnect the modem from the power supply every now and then? It is not connected for several hours a day. Can you leave it permanently connected so that it can collect diagnostic data?


Best regards Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!


Ok the router is ON since yesterday morning. 


Community Team
Community Team

Hello davideddt,


According to the history of the modem, no terminations are visible. How exactly can you feel them?


Best regards Fred

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