am 02.11.2019 22:31
Hello, i do not need upload option 50, as it costs 2.99 euros per month. Kindly, assist me to cancel the upload option 50. Thanks in advance.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 03.11.2019 16:15
Hi qurb,
since we already have your data, I was able to check it out right away. The upload option is included in your contract free of charge. Should we cancel it anyway?
Best regards
am 03.11.2019 16:15
Hi qurb,
since we already have your data, I was able to check it out right away. The upload option is included in your contract free of charge. Should we cancel it anyway?
Best regards
am 03.11.2019 16:41
@Lars Thank you for the reply. In my contract paper, it is written as:
"2,99 Euro Upload option 50: Preis 0,00 dauerhaft, die Uploadgeschwindigkeit betragt bis zu 50 Mbit/s, 4 Wochen Kundigungsfrist."
Anyways, if it is free of charge, then no need to cancel the option. Thank you again and kind regards.
am 03.11.2019 17:55
Hi qurb,
exactly, 2,99 Euro is the regular price. For you it is permanently reduced to 0 Euro.
Then we leave it as it is Then I close the thread with it.
Best regards